Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wikipedia. Can I trust it? Why do Professors do not use it? Anytime you start a search the first thing to pop up on the web page is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is open to the public and can be changed by just about anyone who chooses to do so. People have stretched the truth slightly, but as we know technology is only getting better and easier. Everything you do just about it on the Internet can be traced back to you at some point in time. By reading this assignment i learned that there is a way that every change can be seen. I never realized how much wiki was used by people for serious matters.
In my opinion Wiki should be used as a started site to being your research on a certain topic. Through wiki giving you a list of websites, it makes it a life saver. Just remember never to use it as a source, but as a starter source.

1 comment:

  1. Why do professors not use it? A good question. They are concerned because anyone can change it. Most professors are biased toward some "authority" on a subject and believe the "authority" should be in control. Of course, how one determines an "authority" can be debated. They also make arguments like the ones you listened to and read.
